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From The Talos Principle Wiki
Identifier: Abyss-20
Area: Into the Abyss
Previous Puzzle: Trinal
Next Puzzle: Hierarchy

Interception is the twentieth puzzle in Into the Abyss, part of the Road to Elysium expansion for The Talos Principle 2.

Puzzle Elements


In this small puzzle room, the Progress Wheel is blocked off by a set of two Blue doors, each one controlled by a Receiver. Two Emitters are placed on the far wall, but a grate limits the availability of the red one.


A basic hint:

[ hint ]
Notice that the space between the two Blue doors has a window. You will need to open the red door while closing the blue door from inside this space; a recurring theme in Into the Abyss.


[ solution ]


The red hologram, sitting on the wall alongside the stars.

On the stairs that lead up to the puzzle is located a red hologram for one of the Nightmare audio tapes.