Ustinov on Optimism
- Damien (903): "I think pessimism is completely out of date. I think that's a romantic indulgence. I don't think anyone can afford to be pessimistic anymore. I mean, there's so much that can go wrong, optimism is the only thing possible anymore. I've always thought that an optimist was a person who knew exactly how sad a place the world could be and a pessimist is a man who finds out anew every morning. That's the real difference. No, I'm obviously optimistic because you simply have to be. It's an obligation to be optimistic." — Peter Ustinov, co-star of The Talos Principle (1961)
- Damien (903): To me this sounds exactly like what Alexandra Drennan would have believed.
- Budahas (917): That's why I ultimately decided to support Byron. I think he understands how sad the world is but also remains optimistic.
- Ovis (909): He will be disappointed. People always disappoint you, in the end.
- Atal (890): You've misunderstood the entire point of the quotation, Ovis. That disappointment is already baked into the concept of optimism. Optimism is knowing people like you exist but having hope anyway.
- Zagoran (211): Ouch. True, though.