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From The Talos Principle Wiki
Source: mdv_th
Date: 2030/06/14
Area: Star World C

tetromino.html is a text document stored in terminal C08 in Star World C.


One of the most fascinating aspects of St. Eadwald's recently-uncovered writings is his preoccupation with finding divine truth in mathematical concepts, which at times borders on pantheism.

He was, it would seem, particularly concerned with what we now call tetrominoes, seeing in them a reflection of the tetragrammaton and the Greek word for God (TH-E-O-S). Their ability to form other shapes out of themselves symbolized to him the Creator's ability to reshape the world without breaking the laws He himself had established.

Eadwald referred to tetrominoes as "sigilla" (sigils), implying that they were a more truthful version of the magical symbols worshipped by heathens, rooted in both the Abrahamic tradition and careful observation of Creation.

It is unlikely that these texts were distributed, as they would almost certainly have resulted in charges of heresy.