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From The Talos Principle Wiki
Not to be confused with Lifthrasir!, another social media entry.

Lifthrasir? is a social media entry that appears after the player collection a first Lifthrasir's audio logs.


  • Guta (972): So 1k found a recording of Lifthrasir (and what an odd recording, too). I know he's one of the First Companions, but I don't actually know that much else about him. Don't think I've ever seen him around, either. Can someone explain?
  • Niamh (11): Lifthrasir always had an unusual perspective, even in the very beginning. He travelled a lot, sometimes leaving for years. He built a kind of mobile recharging station so he didn't need to come back to the city as often, although it was quite risky as the solar panels had a tendency to break rather quickly. But he had no problem taking risks if he felt they were necessary, and exploration was necessary to him.
  • Niamh (11): Lifthrasir would record his thoughts as he explored and then publish them when he returned. Over the centuries he accumulated a group of admirers, or disciples if you prefer. In the period of crisis surrounding Athena's disappearance, they left the city, headed into the unknown, and we haven't heard from them since.
  • 1k (1000): Is the recording I found one of those he published back in the day?
  • Niamh (11):No, not as far as I can tell. Perhaps it's something he decided to shelve, or something he only shared with close friends like Athena.
  • Guta (972): Thank you, that was informative.