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Date: 0000/12/05
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Ariana's Blog - Entry #477: Holy Humblebrag, Batman!

I have always known that God "maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust" (Matthew 5:45), but I must admit it's one thing to know the words and another to truly understand them! Though I am certain that my faith is true, that does not make me special or exempt me from suffering. I'm just another human being, and God has seen billions of us come and go. And I have to say, this is surprisingly hard to accept.

I always thought I was humble, but now I'm realizing that I was very proud of being humble, which is… really dumb. Guess I'm not the first one to do that, huh?

Tags: #regret #pride #faith #humblebrag #apology #batman 


  • The entry title "Holy Humblebrag, Batman!" is a reference to the 1966-1968 Batman television series, in which Batman's sidekick Robin would frequently exclaim "Holy X, Batman!", X being something related to the case or adventure they work on.