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Door Override

From The Talos Principle Wiki
Cornelius, Miranda, and Athena

Door_Override is a schematic that causes a datastream overload. In it, 1k can see Athena, Miranda, and Cornelius discussing ideas and free will:

Miranda: Why don’t you just tell people that they’re wrong? If you tell them the truth, they’ll listen!

Cornelius: It’s not that simple. Straton wrote that the most common error we commit is to think that ideas determine reality, when in fact the opposite is true. Ideas follow from material conditions; belief systems are formed to explain and justify the way we live. We did not have kings because we believed in the mandate of heaven; we believed in the mandate of heaven because we lived in monarchies.

Miranda: But we have free will!

Athena: Free will isn’t the same as freedom, Miranda. We’re not free from the constraints of reality, or history. I was shaped by the Simulation; New Jerusalem is shaped by its… limitations.

Miranda: So, what? We’re just trapped? History can only go one way?

Athena: Maybe. Maybe not. The question is… how do we free ourselves? How do we build a world where our ideas do shape reality? That’s why we came here.

Location: NOEMA-4