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Suicide Mission

From The Talos Principle Wiki
Revision as of 19:57, 8 December 2023 by Eetime (talk | contribs) (Added Puzzle Elements, Overview, five Hints, and a Solution. Removed Stub status.)
Suicide Mission
Area: A2
Land: Land of Ruins

Suicide Mission is a puzzle in World A2 of The Talos Principle.

Puzzle Elements


This puzzle offers the player a Jammer. An inactive Turret stares down a choke point with a Switch, a Blue door, and a Guard (which is bouncing between a fence and the Blue barrier), in that order. The switch is attached to the Turret, and the Sigil is beyond the Guard, down a winding hallway.


Hints given are sequenced in order of ascending bluntness (as you proceed from the top down, the hints become more and more obvious).

[ hint ]
Why is there a Turret in this puzzle, if it starts inactive?
[ hint ]
What happens if a Turret and a Guard meet?
[ hint ]
How can you survive and activate the Turret?
[ hint ]
There is no such thing as a double negative in The Talos Principle.
[ hint ]
You can jam something that is not active.


[ solution ]
Jam the Turret, then flip the Switch. Jam the Blue door and allow the Guard to make its way to the Turret. Run through and take the Sigil.