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From The Talos Principle Wiki
Revision as of 17:16, 8 December 2023 by Eetime (talk | contribs) (Added Puzzle Elements, Overview, five Hints, and a Solution. Removed Stub status.)
Area: A1
Land: Land of Ruins

Peephole is a puzzle in World A1 of The Talos Principle.

Puzzle Elements


There is a Jammer by the entrance, but a Purple barrier prevents it from being taken into the main puzzle area. However, this Jammer has a window, which can see the main puzzle area. In the main puzzle area, a Jammer jams the Blue door that prevents it from leaving an otherwise empty room. A winding hallway leads to the Sigil, but two Guards block the path.


[ hint ]
You will need to free the Jammer behind the Blue door to solve this puzzle.
[ hint ]
How could you keep the Blue door open without using the Jammer that is inside of it?
[ hint ]
The Jammer behind the Purple barrier can jam the Blue door. Then, you can get the other Jammer into the rest of the puzzle.
[ hint ]
Can you jam both Guards at the same time?
[ hint ]
The Jammer behind the Purple barrier can jam a Guard through its window.


[ solution ]
Use the first Jammer to jam the Blue door, which the second Jammer is already jamming. Then, take the Jammer behind the Blue door out into the main area. Use the Jammer behind the Purple barrier to jam a Guard instead, and use the now-free Jammer to jam the other Guard. Take the Sigil.