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From The Talos Principle Wiki
Revision as of 16:23, 8 December 2023 by Eetime (talk | contribs) (Added Puzzle Elements, Overview, two Hints, and a Solution.)
Area: A1
Land: Land of Ruins

Outnumbered is a puzzle in World A1 of The Talos Principle.

Puzzle Elements


This puzzle offers the player a Jammer, but both a Turret and a Guard are between the entrance to the puzzle and the Sigil. The Guard is moving back and forth between a wall and a Blue door.


[ hint ]
The Guard seems to be bouncing off of the Blue door.
[ hint ]
Is there a way to get the Guard permanently out of the main hallway?


[ solution ]
Jam the Blue door and allow the Guard to go through. Once it is on the other side, pick up your Jammer again. This blocks the Guard from coming back into the main hallway. Then, simply Jam the Turret and claim the Sigil at the end of the hallway.