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Wooded Plateau

From The Talos Principle Wiki
Revision as of 18:26, 23 November 2023 by Alf (talk | contribs) (Star Monuments)
Wooded Plateau
Short name: East-2
Area Type: Regular
Previous Story Area: Grasslands Ring
Next Story Area: Eastern Wetlands
Detailed map of the area
Aerial view

The Wooded Plateau, commonly known as East 2, is a heavily forested plateau in the mountainous eastern part of the island. Supports a large deer population.

Ordinarily this is the second area the user would visit. The cluster tower of this area looks like an imposing castle.

The area introduces the player to a new tool, the Driller.

Acquiring Schematic_108 in the Lost Lab is required to progress to Eastern Wetlands.


Main Puzzles

  1. Quantum Tunneling
  2. Mutual Aid
  3. Backup
  4. Placement
  5. Duet
  6. Passage
  7. Eye of the Needle
  8. Seesaw

Lost Puzzles

Gold Puzzle

Tetromino Bridge

Section 1

[ solution ]

Section 2

[ solution ]

Star Monuments

Pandora Monument

Location of the Pandora Monument


[ basic hint ]
You need a green laser beam to activate Pandora’s box, but there’s no one near, maybe there’s something else?
[ detailed hint ]
Find a connector nearby and follow where it leads. You’ll need to use another connector to link the monument.
[ solution step by step ]

Sphinx Monument

Location of the Sphinx Monument


[ basic hint ]
The plaque shows four numbers. They are puzzle numbers.
[ detailed hint ]
Maybe it’s not so much about the puzzles, but their actual numbers. Is there anything different?
[ solution ]
All the number signs in this area have a switch on the back. Turn on the switches in puzzles 2, 4, 7 and 8, in any order.
A switch on the back of E2-2 turned on.

Prometheus Sparks

[ location of the first spark ]
Following the path across the pond, turn left before going through the Pandora Monument. You will arrive at a flower-shaped statue; the spark is next to it.
[ location of the second spark ]
All the way to the cliffs in the north, near Backup, you will find the spark on a small protruding geometric concrete ledge.

Lost Lab

The entrance to the lost laboratory is located north of the Pandora monument, on a nearby cliff wall. In it you can find the terminals LOS-1 and LOS-2. You can also see an inverter test unit alternating incoming red and blue beams with their outgoing blue and red beams, respectively.

Lost lab - Entrance
Lost lab - Inverter test unit

Documents and audio logs











Straton of Stageira

[ location ]
You can find Straton sitting on a small pedestal by following the cliff south, to the right of the Bridge Gate.

Ancient Human Artifacts


[ location ]
Stand with your back on the gold puzzle entrance, facing north. The radiator is embedded on the base of a small rocky hill.


[ location ]
You can find it among the trees on the cliff overlooking Keeping Connections. You can easily reach it by walking west from the E2-05 terminal.