The Wooded Plateau, commonly known as East 2, is a heavily forested plateau in the mountainous eastern part of the island. Supports a large deer population.
Ordinarily this is the second area the user would visit. The cluster tower of this area looks like an imposing castle.
The area introduces the player to a new tool, the Driller.
You need a green laser beam to activate Pandora’s box, but there’s no one near, maybe there’s something else?
[ detailed hint ]
Find a connector nearby and follow where it leads. You’ll need to use another connector to link the monument.
[ solution step by step ]
The connector on top of a rock near Pandora Monument; follow its connection path.
It will lead to another connector on top of a structure in the woods. Keep going.
Eventually you’ll arrive at the connector we need to feed the green laser beam.
Use the RGB converter in Backup to feed the last connector.
Go to Seesaw and use a connector to send the green laser beam to Pandora’s box.
Sphinx Monument
[ basic hint ]
The plaque shows four numbers. They are puzzle numbers.
[ detailed hint ]
Maybe it’s not so much about the puzzles, but their actual numbers. Is there anything different?
[ solution ]
All the number signs in this area have a switch on the back. Turn on the switches in puzzles 2, 4, 7 and 8, in any order.
Prometheus Sparks
The first Prometheus Spark can be found TODO
The second Prometheus Spark can be found TODO
Lost Lab
The entrance to the lost laboratory is located north of the Pandora monument, on a nearby cliff wall. In it you can find the terminals LOS-1 and LOS-2. You can also see an inverter test unit alternating incoming red and blue beams with their outgoing blue and red beams, respectively.