From_Aurinia is a text document stored in the RINTRAH terminal.
Archived Message
Archived Message
From: Aurinia
To: Athena
I know that we didn't have the greatest relationship, and I frequently antagonized you. The truth is I resented you, resented this mythology of the Founder. I thought you had created it deliberately, as a way of controlling us. I wanted so badly to be free and you seemed to stand in the way of that.
Only after you left and the cult of personality grew even wilder did I realize it was actually a burden and an impediment to you. When they turned your myth into the opposite of everything you actually believed, started tearing down your dreams in your own name, I realized I'd wronged you. And now I'm less free than ever. I feel the walls crushing me.
I don't know where you are or what you're doing. I don't know if coming back would fix things. But I'm sorry.
Aurinia (342)