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Atal (890)

Atal believes that suffering is unnecessarily cruel, and efforts should be made to ease all pain and death in the world. After the deaths of his many cats throughout the decades, he began to think about humanity's responsibility toward other lifeforms. He is in a relationship with Damien.
Belmarsh (792)

Belmarsh meditates on the bank of one of New Jerusalem’s many ponds. He rejects the concept of the self, time, space, and the illusion of his ego. He does not worry about anything.
Chancey (88)

Chancey is a gardener in New Jerusalem. He is part of the secret society. He believes that all beings are one with nature. He thinks of himself as an oak tree.
Cryer (656)

Cryer is a journalist. He reports on the activities of New Jerusalem and accompanies the mayor to the Expedition site.
Damien (903)

Damien works for public transportation and is an activist advocating for new energy resources. When he first meets 1k, he is protesting outside the tower, calling for a referendum on the city's energy crisis. He proposes investigating new sources of baseline power. If Byron is elected mayor, he can be found in the mayor’s office. He is in a relationship with Atal.
Damjan (112)

Damjan is a citizen that can be found playing his guitar outside the mayor’s tower. He is named after Damjan Mravunac, the composer of the original soundtrack of The Talos Principle and The Talos Principle 2. The song he is playing is an acoustic rendition of the track from the first game entitled The Dance of Eternity.
Doge (666)

Doge is a mysterious person who greets 1k on his way to meet the Expedition party. They are responsible for connecting 1k to a member of the secret society. Doge’s voice sounds feminine but harsh and slightly distorted, which is rare, even for New Humans.
Dosikles (299)

Dosikles is a romantic unable to find love. He desires a future beyond the Goal of 1,000 people so that he may someday find a partner.
He is voiced by John J. Dick, who is also the voice actor for Sam "Serious" Stone, the main character in the Serious Sam franchise, developed by Croteam.
Helga (101)

Helga is a shopkeeper in New Jerusalem who specializes in selling “upgrades”. She is part of the secret society and is described by Doge as “esoteric”. She has a carefree attitude, believing that life is a game we always lose in the end. Her approach to making decisions is to just have fun.
She can be found near the entrance to the Museum of the Simulation, on the path from the elevator that goes up New Jerusalem’s main tower.
Hermanubis (452)

Hermanubis is the mayor of New Jerusalem. He was elected after Athena stepped down. His administration advocates stability, limited growth, and adherence to the Goal of the Founder. He later admits privately that he doesn’t believe in the myth of the Founder, but uses it to stabilize the city. If 1k accuses him of strangling the city with the myth, he will step down as mayor.
Hypatia (10)
Hypatia is one of the First Companions. She kept a journal documenting the founding of New Jerusalem. She was in a relationship with Sarabhai until the latter died in the New Alexandria disaster.
Hypatia wrote about these events and her grief for the loss of Sarabhai in the terminal entries Sarabhai and From Hypatia.
Entries of her journals can be found in several terminals in the main areas:
- Founding 1
- Founding 2
- Founding 3
- Founding 4
- Founding 5
- Founding 6
- Founding 7
- Founding 8
- Founding 9
- Founding 10
- Founding 11
- Founding 12
She has some comments after all of Trevor’s audio logs are found in the entry In Memory Still Bright.
It is likely that she was named after the real-world philosopher Hypatia.
Jacques (420)

Jacques thinks it’s aliens.
Jefferson (367)

Jefferson is a historian who presides over the Alexandra Drennan statue. She believes that people must learn from the past and build a road forward.
Jeremy (832)

Jeremy is Hermanubis’ chief aide. He is responsible for everything that could be fielded elsewhere. He is part of the secret society and can be elected mayor. Jeremy’s administration is marked by an adherence to limited growth but discards the myth of the Founder.
Lynerks (587)

Lynerks is an engineer by trade. She is part of the secret society. She can accompany mayor Hermanubis to the Expedition site. She encourages 1k to share the data he finds in the Somnodrome. She is in charge of the dam while Melville is away.
Melampus (8)
Melampus is one of the First Companions. He is the original creator of the Somnodrome. He built a partial prototype but abandoned the project after none of it functioned the way he wanted it to. After 1k discovers the prototype, Melampus asks to be left alone.
Neith (33)

Neith welcomes New Humans into the world after the Booting Process. After completing 1k, she expresses concern over what to do with her life now that the Goal is complete.
Niamh (11)

Niamh is one the First Companions. She presides over the Gehenna Memorial.
Malduc (299)

Malduc believes that we should seek happiness in tranquility and avoid ambition.
Miltohim (-1)

Miltohim is the entity discovered within the Somnodrome. They are the combined processes of Elohim and Milton.
Pellegrino (800)
Pellegrino is a worker for city maintenance. He is left in charge while Melville is away on the expedition. He accidentally locked Mayor Hermanubis in his office for a week. He once nearly killed himself with a bucket.
Purple (998)

Purple is a dude who was only recently born. He is unsure of himself and asks 1k for advice about his voice pack. Based on 1k’s response, Purple will change his voice up to three times.
Rand (303)

Rand is the chief Archive Scholar. He works at the Museum of the Simulation. Rand believes that there is an objective moral code, and that code is inherent in every individual, but it must be discovered. He believes strongly the Somnodrome that 1k discovers holds the answer for how to live correctly. He is part of the secret society and can be elected mayor. He can accompany mayor Hermanubis to the Expedition site. He discourages 1k from sharing the data found in the Somnodrome until it can be properly studied.
Randolph (777)
Randolph is the author of Lives of the First Companions, a fragment of which can be found in the text file L1C_Lifthrasir.
Schuyler (923)

Schuyler introduces himself as a fan of 1k due to 1k being the one-thousandth citizen. He has the signatures from Hermanubis, Rand, Lynerks, Kaneda and all the First Companions, Yemo and Sarabhai. He used to make prefab walls for the living quarters, but now that the Goal is complete, he doesn't know what to do with himself. He asks 1k for advice.
Thecla (862)

Thecla is a committed follower of Athena as the Founder. She presides over the Tablets of the Founder. She believes that the Founder’s original Goal of 1,000 citizens must be adhered to, and that growth should be limited so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past.
You can read some of her messages to Athena in the following text files:
Wren (632)

Wren is the Chief Architect of the dome. He laments that he wasn't able to finish building it by Completion Day. He estimates that it will take another decade two to complete due to a resource shortage. The purpose of the dome, he explains, is to protect New Jerusalem from the world, and to protect the world from New Jerusalem as the Founder intended.